Lakewood, WA 2024 Analysis of Impediments Fair Housing and Consolidated Plan Survey

1.Which of the following best describes the type of housing you currently live in? (Choose only one)
2.How long have you lived in Lakewood
3.If you live in subsidized or assisted housing, please indicate what type?
4.Which of the following were the most important reasons you decided to live in Lakewood? (Check all that apply)
5.What improvements does your community need most (Please check up to 5)
6.Do you currently rent your home, own your home, or something else?
7.During the past three (3) years, how have the overall housing costs for your current home changed?
8.How satisfied would you say you are with the quality of the housing you currently live in?
9.Are you a Student? If so, which of the following best describes where you live?
10.During the past five years, have you applied for a loan to purchase a home, to refinance your mortgage, or to take equity out of your home?
11.If you have ever applied for a home loan and your application was NOT approved, which of the following reasons were you given? (Check all that apply)
12.During the past five years, have you looked for a new place to live?
13.If you answered Yes to Question 13, did you have trouble finding safe, quality housing that you could afford in a neighborhood you would like to live in?
14.If you answered Yes to Question 14, do you think it was because of any of the following:  (Check all that apply)
15.What is your income range?
16.What is your Household Size?
17.What is your age?
18.What is your gender?
19.Do you consider yourself Hispanic, Latino or of Spanish Origin?
20.What is your race?
21.Which of the following describes your current status?
22.Do you believe housing discrimination occurs in your local area?
Current Progress,
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