Job Classifications for Medical Physics Associates of Canada Question Title 1. At which province do you work? Alberta British Colombia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labradors Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Question Title 2. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Bachelor degree Masters Degree Other (please specify) Question Title 3. About how long have you been in your current position? Years Months Question Title 4. Including yourself how many physics associate/assistant work at your center? Question Title 5. What is your job title? Physics Associate Physics Assistant Physics Technitians Other (please specify) Question Title 6. Are there different levels of promotion or advancement for your job? No Yes If yes how many? (please specify) Question Title 7. If you answered yes above, what is the salary range for each level of promotion? Level one? Level two? Level three? Level four? Question Title 8. When was your last promotion? Years Months Question Title 9. If you are part of a union do you recommend other PAs to become part of one? No Yes Briefly explain your reason Question Title 10. How has your job changed due to the COVID 19 pandemic? Page1 / 2 50% of survey complete. Next