Question Title

* 1. Which type of eVIP event did you participate in? (check all that apply)

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* 2. Overall, how would you rate the eVIP event?

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* 3. How likely are you to participate in an eVIP event again?

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* 4. Was the timing of the eVIP event convenient for you? Do you prefer weekday, weekend, evening, or morning events?

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* 5. Prior to the eVIP event, how much of the information that you needed did you get?

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* 6. How useful was the information presented at the eVIP event?

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* 7. If you are a group leader, please describe your experience. And share how eVIP can improve the support for volunteers who lead a project or bring a group to a project.

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* 8. If included, how much have your skills improved because of the training provided at the eVIP event?

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* 9. How did you hear about the eVIP event?

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* 10. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the eVIP event? Please provide any suggestions for improving the program.