Volunteer Ireland and the network of Volunteer Centres are looking for input from Volunteer  for the creation of two charters (Codes of conduct, statements of commitments/expectations), one for Organisations and one for volunteers.
Once developed, these charters will be made available to Volunteer Involving Organisations and used to clarify expectations from both volunteers and organisations, when volunteer takes up a role in an organisation. By implementing the code of conduct an organisation will be creating a clear foundation of it’s relationship with volunteers and by ensuring the codes are followed, generating an increased quality in the volunteering experience.
We deeply appreciate your help in creating these charters and value your input by participating in this survey. 
NOTE: This survey is for individuals who are currently volunteering or have volunteered in the past, and those new to volunteering and looking to start their volunteering journey.

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* 1. What supports do you already receive in your current volunteer role, or/and have in the past?

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* 2. What additional supports do you think organisations should provide?

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* 3. What makes the perfect volunteer programme?

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* 4. What makes the perfect volunteer?

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* 5. Is there anything else you would like to add?

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* 6. Please provide us with the following information

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* 7. What is the name of the organisation you volunteer with?

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* 8. Please provide us with your email address if you would like hear more about this project