AIDR Flood Planning for Disaster Resilience Handbook Survey

Would you like to contribute to the review of the national Flood Planning Handbook?

This survey is aimed at identifying areas of the current flood manuals that need to be up-dated, re-organised or changed. The outcomes of the survey will inform the review process of these manuals into the development of the handbook.

The survey is divided into 4 sections:

A. Knowledge and use of the handbook 
B. Structure and content of the handbook 
C. Flood Planning experiences and challenges
D. Demographics - your profile

Both users and non-users of the handbook are invited to participate.

This survey is being conducted by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience. Taking part is anonymous and should take about 10 minutes.

Thank you for your support.


Katelyn Samson – Project Officer
Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience
 +61 3 9418 5255 


The new Flood Planning for Disaster Resilience Handbook is being developed as part of the Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection. It will incorporate a review of four 2009 manuals; Flood Preparedness (manual 20), Flood Warning (manual 21), Flood Response (manual 22) and Emergency Management for Floods Affected by Dams (manual 23).

The current versions of these manuals outline national principles and practice and provide a standardised approach to flood planning. The content applies to all states and territories. It is not designed to replace standard operating procedures but to inform emergency planning and practice.

The manuals are available online:

 Flood Preparedness (manual 20) (AIDR 2009)
 - Flood Warning (manual 21) (AIDR 2009)
 - Flood Response (manual 22) (AIDR 2009)
 - Emergency Management for Floods Affected by Dams (manual 23) (AIDR 2009)

All handbooks and manuals can be viewed on the AIDR knowledge hub at:
A. Knowledge and use of the Flood Planning Manuals
1.Have you heard of the Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection (formerly the AEMI handbooks and manuals)?
2.Have you heard of the flood manuals (AIDR 2009)?
3.Do you use the flood manuals (AIDR 2009) in your work?
4.How do you use the flood manuals (AIDR 2009) in your work? Please select all that apply.
5.Where else outside of your work do you use the flood manuals (AIDR 2009)?
6.To what extent do you agree with the following statements on the flood manuals (AIDR 2009)? Please select N/A if you don’t use the manuals.
Strongly disagree 
Strongly agree
Don’t know or N/A
They are a useful tool for planning
They are a useful source of information/advice
They are a useful education/training tool
They are likely to improve coordination between organisations
Are likely to improve the quality of emergency planning
They are likely to support implementation of emergency and disaster management programs and plans
They are a challenge to agency/staff autonomy and creativity
They are likely to reduce costs of planning & implementation
They are likely to increase costs of planning & implementation
They are a key tool for those who are new to disaster resilience and emergency management
They represent national emergency planning principles and practice
7.Which of the following statements do you recognise as potential barriers to effectively using the flood manuals (AIDR 2009)? Please select all that apply.

If you select any of the below, please specify the manual section you’re referring to and provide an overview of how it could be improved.
8.What do you think would be the most appropriate way to encourage the use of the updated Flood Planning Handbook? (Please select up to two)
9.Any further comments on factors influencing the use of the Flood Planning Handbook?
B. The Flood Planning Handbook structure and content
10.For each of the manuals listed below, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:

“This manual covers all the essential information and themes”.

Please select N/A if you don’t use the manuals, or for any sections you aren’t familiar with.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know or N/A
Flood preparedness (AIDR 2009)
Flood warning (AIDR 2009)
Flood response (AIDR 2009)
Emergency management planning for floods affected by dams (AIDR 2009)
11.If you selected ‘disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’ for any of the above, please specify the manual you’re referring to and the missing information.
12.To what extent do you agree that the following cross-cutting themes should be included in the updated Flood Planning Handbook?
Please select N/A if you don’t use the handbook.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know or N/A
People with disabilities
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
Climate change and disaster risk reduction
Rural, Regional, Remote
Monitoring & Evaluation
Sustainable Development Goals
Sendai Framework
13.For any themes where you selected ‘disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’, please specify the theme and a reason why it shouldn’t be included.
14.Are there any other cross-cutting themes that should be included?
15.To what extent do you agree with the following statements on the resources in the Annexes? [applicable only to Flood Preparedness (AIDR 2009) & Flood Response (AIDR 2009)]
Please select N/A if you don’t use the handbook.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know or N/A
The resources are useful
The resources are precise/specific enough
The resources are accessible and adoptable
The resources consider different contexts
The resources are up to date
16.Please provide more detail in relation to any responses where you selected ‘disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’.
17.Are there any other resources that you think would be useful to include in an annex or as a separate tool to support use of the Flood Planning Handbook?
18.To what extent do you agree with the following statements on the flood manuals (AIDR 2009)?
Please select N/A if you don’t use the manuals.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know or N/A
Information is easy to find
Information is clearly presented
The order of the chapters is sensible
A pocket card/quick reference guide/aides memoir summarising key elements would be useful.
19.Any further suggestions for the revision of the Flood Planning Handbook?
20.Please add link(s) to any essential documents you think should be included for the revision of the Flood Planning Handbook in the box below.
C. Flood Planning experiences and challenges
21.Are there any challenges you currently experience in your work/involvement in emergency planning that you would like to see addressed or more adequately addressed in the Flood Planning Handbook? Please be as specific as you can.
D. Demographics
22.Which of the following profiles best describe your current job situation? Select all that apply.
23.Which of the following categories best describes the organisations you work/volunteer for? Tick all that apply.
24.Which Australian state/territory does your organisation cover?
25.How long have you been involved in the disaster resilience / emergency management sector?
Thank you for completing our survey!

If you would like to receive the results of the survey, please contact us.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else from your organisation to be on the handbook review working group, please contact us