Native American Cultural Identity Survey Part I

Native American Cultural Identity and Expressing Scale

Purpose: As a Native American (American Indian), your cultural identity and how you express it may have several meanings for you, and you may belong to more than one ethnic/cultural group. The following questions are designed to examine variations in Native American cultural identity and expression.

Directions: The scale will take you about a couple of minutes to complete. Please answer all of the questions, keeping in mind that there are no right or wrong answers. What is important is how you really feel, not in how you think you should feel. For each time simply circle the number that best describes how much you agree or disagree with the statement using the scale below
[1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree)]. If you have trouble selecting an answer, your first impression may be your best guide.

Survey by
George S. Renfrey, Michigan State University
& Suzanne Cross, Arizona State University
1.My identity as an American Indian is very important to me.
2.My identity as a member of the dominant culture is very important to me.
3.I have identified and integrated more than one culture/heritage for myself.
4.I believe there is value in all cultures.
5.I fit well within my tribal culture.
6.Though I have much to learn, I am comfortable with my knowledge of tribal traditions.
7.I fit well within the dominant culture.
8.I have learned what I need to live in the dominant culture.
9.I feel firm and confident in my ethnic/cultural identity.
10.I sometimes feel confused about my cultural identity.
11.It is important for Indian children to learn of their culture and traditions.
12.Taking part in Indian cultural/community events is important to me.
13.I hope to always live and work where I can be part of an Indian community.
14.I am strongly committed to my tribal traditions.
15.Participating in social/cultural/sporting events of the dominant culture is important to me.
17.Do you live on a Reservation?
18.What is your age?
19.How would you describe your ethnic/cultural heritage?) (e.g., American Indian, Native American, First Nations, Indigenous)?
20.What is your tribal affiliation?
21.Additional comments or thoughts:
Current Progress,
0 of 21 answered