Exit Disruptive and Alarmed-2022-03-10 Disruptive and Alarmed Question Title * 1. Board - Thanks for letting us know where you work CQSB EMSB ESSB ETSB LBPSB Littoral NFSB RSB SWLSB WQSB Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Level: Elementary Secondary Adult Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Role: Director Administrator Teacher Technician/CCW/Attendant Attendant Daycare Consultant Professional Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How did you find out about this presentation? CEBM Newsletter CEBM website CEBM Facebook page Internal email from your school or school board Colleague Professional Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How useful was this presentation in helping you to make sense of your students? Not at all Somewhat Very helpful Please add any pertinent comments Question Title * 6. How helpful was this presentation in providing you with more ideas for intervention? Not at all Somewhat Very helpful Please add any pertinent comments Question Title * 7. Would you recommend the recording of this session to your colleagues? Yes Maybe Not really Please comment Question Title * 8. What other topics would you like CEBM to present? Done