AABC Birth Institute (Minneapolis, MN)

We at AABC recognize the importance of diversity in birth center providers and the need for birth centers that are inclusive and provide care with cultural humility. Our goal is for AABC conferences and the member community to include, encourage, and recognize people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientation.

This scholarship application is only for the AABC Birth Institute to be held (November 7-10, 2024 in Minneapolis, MN).

Deadline to apply AUGUST 1, 2024

Eligibility Criteria:
  • People who are interested in starting or working in a birth center.
  • Identify as a Member of the Global Majority*, LGBTQIA+, or person with a disability
  • Special consideration will be given to applicants taking an AABC course for the first time

Each scholarship will include:
  • Registration fee for the AABC Birth Institute (Minneapolis)
  • $750 travel stipend
  • AABC will match scholarship recipients with a conference mentor (if desired). Additionally, we will provide support from AABC staff as needed

Expectations of scholarship recipients:
  • Attend the entire conference for which the scholarship has been awarded.
  • We do not expect scholarship recipients to be responsible for being an ambassador for their group or an educator to others. Recipients have no special duties or obligations apart from attendance, participation to their comfort, and giving us feedback on their experience.

* The Global Majority includes Asian American (or of Asian descent) or Pacific Islander, Black or of African descent (African American, Afro-Caribbean, etc.), Indigenous to Americas (Alaskan Native, American Indian, Native American), Latinx or Hispanic, Southwest Asian or Northern African, or a person who is of multiple races)