Our research team are working on a project that will review all published medical evidence that describes the psychological treatment of depression in persons who also have diabetes mellitus.

Are you?
  • age 18 years or older
  • have diabetes mellitus type 1 or type 2
  • have access to a reliable internet connection
  • have access to an email address you check regularly
  • have the ability to use Zoom or Skype videoconferencing software
  • have the ability to read and understand written documents
  • have the ability to use Microsoft word and Adobe pdf processing software to provide written feedback on our research plan
  • are willing to attend online meetings with other patients from Australia and overseas
About the help needed
Our research plans will be provided as 12-page pdf document that requires review and written feedback from patients in order to solicit feedback on;
  • the direction of the research
  • suggest alternative ways of explaining the experience of diabetes
  • identify anything we have missed or make suggestions.

At the end of this research in 12 to 24 months’ time we would also like additional feedback and help writing the plain English summary of our findings to ensure our interpretation is correct with your experience of diabetes. Participating will help us better ensure that the research and its findings are relevant and meaningful to persons with diabetes mellitus.

What if I change my mind?
Please understand that you are not required to take part and your participation would be voluntary. If you decide to stop participating you will not be asked to give a reason why and there will be no impact on any medical or pharmacist care you receive now or in the future.

Who do I contact?
This research is being led by Dr Phil Tully – an academic working for The University of New England, Armidale. Interested persons can register here and will be contacted by the research team to discuss.

Question Title

* 1. What is your name

Question Title

* 3. Contact number

Question Title

* 4. What type of diabetes do you have?