1. Default Section

Question Title

* 1. How frequently do you visit isc.sans.org or www.dshield.org?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the usefulness of different features of the site

  very useful useful useful but could be better not useful don't know about it
News Feed
other audio/video content
Pages about Ports
DShield Data (Top 10, Blocklist...)
Handler Diaries
Daily Podcasts

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the usefulness of the following aspects of the site

  no improvement needed some improvement would be nice I would visit more if improved doesn't work at all for me right now I don't care or don't use it.
Content (Diary Content)
Data (DShield Data)
Number and Quality of other Features
ease to navigate site
speed to load pages

Question Title

* 4. Do you use social media like Facebook and Twitter, and how should ISC use it? (multiple answers possible, please comment with details)

Question Title

* 5. If there is a single feature we could add to make the site better for you, what would it be?

Question Title

* 6. What other sites do you visit?

Question Title

* 7. If we offer cheap hardware sensors at cost for sale (< $50), or instructions to built them, would you use one to submit data to DShield?

Question Title

* 8. Any additional comments?

Question Title

* 9. Your e-mail address. Only enter if you want us to respond to any comments you have in person.