Greeted in a timely, efficient manner
Greeted in a timely, efficient manner Poor
Greeted in a timely, efficient manner Below average
Greeted in a timely, efficient manner Average
Greeted in a timely, efficient manner Very good
Greeted in a timely, efficient manner Excellent
How would you rate the service provided by your audiologist
How would you rate the service provided by your audiologist Poor
How would you rate the service provided by your audiologist Below average
How would you rate the service provided by your audiologist Average
How would you rate the service provided by your audiologist Very good
How would you rate the service provided by your audiologist Excellent
How well did the audiologist listen to your needs
How well did the audiologist listen to your needs Poor
How well did the audiologist listen to your needs Below average
How well did the audiologist listen to your needs Average
How well did the audiologist listen to your needs Very good
How well did the audiologist listen to your needs Excellent
How clear were our products/services explained to you
How clear were our products/services explained to you Poor
How clear were our products/services explained to you Below average
How clear were our products/services explained to you Average
How clear were our products/services explained to you Very good
How clear were our products/services explained to you Excellent
Did the outcome of the appointment meet your expectation
Did the outcome of the appointment meet your expectation Poor
Did the outcome of the appointment meet your expectation Below average
Did the outcome of the appointment meet your expectation Average
Did the outcome of the appointment meet your expectation Very good
Did the outcome of the appointment meet your expectation Excellent