Jubilee 2025
Please follow this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PKD6QYC so your answers are recorded. Please do not complete the version below as that version is full and they will not be counted. The link will take you to identical questions.

1.Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
2.If yes, how old are you?
3.Please indicate your disability:
4.Do you care for someone who has a disability?
5.If yes, how old is the person?
6.Please indicate their disability:
7.Does the disability impact on your/their ability to take part in church services?
8.How welcome do you/they feel during services?
9.What do you/they need to be able to feel more included/ take part more fully? What is working well?
Please email allarewelcomejubilee2025@gmail.com to share your thoughts more fully.