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Municipal Plan Review & Renew and Integrated Transportation/Mobility Plan

The City of Mount Pearl has initiated the Municipal Plan Review and Renew and the Integrated Transportation Plan project being undertaken by the Tract/Fathom team. Together these plans offer an opportunity for changes to improve economic development for new and existing businesses.

A Business Forum was held by Tract Consulting and Fathom on May 1, 2024. But for those who could not attend we would like to provide an opportunity to voice your issues, concerns and recommendations for change.

Please respond to this short survey which will help us prepare for the Business Forum and our more detailed discussions.
The deadline for responses has been extended to May 26, 2024.

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* 1. What sector describes your primary business?

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* 2. How many years have you operated a business in the City of Mount Pearl?

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* 3. Which of these phrases would you use to describe what concerns you most about the future for your business in Mount Pearl? Select as many or as few as you like. You can add your own words and phrases at the end.

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* 4. How do your employees travel to work?

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* 5. Since COVID, many businesses have developed flexible working arrangements. Do you allow for any of the following options. Please indicate in the comments whether you might consider these in the future.

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* 6. How many of your employees live in Mount Pearl? Would you be able to indicate a number or percentage of employees who are residents of Mount Pearl? please indicate if you don't know or do not wish to answer.

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* 7. The City of Mount Pearl Development Regulations set out the requirements for buildings, parking, access and outdoor storage. As a business owner, would like to see changes to current requirements? Please indicate if any of the following standards need change or flexibility. There is an opportunity to list other concerns at the end of the question as well.

  Low priority Medium priority High priority
Height of buildings
Size of lots
Lot coverage restrictions (size of building in relation to overall lot size)
Front yard setbacks (distance of building from road)
Side yard setbacks
Rear yard setbacks
Lot depth
Parking requirements
Outdoor storage
Use of lots for storage only, including laydown areas
Types of uses allowed or not allowed in the Industrial zone
Accessory buildings

Question Title

* 8. The City of Mount Pearl Integrated Transportation Plan addresses street and mobility issues. As a business owner, would like to see changes that would better meet your transportation needs?

  Low priority Medium priority High priority
Pedestrian safety
Dedicated turning lanes
On-street parking
Bicycle lanes
Shared parking areas for all businesses to use
Change to public transit routes and times
Good movement and loading areas

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* 9. What type of new business or industy opportunities would you like to see in Mount Pearl?

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* 10. What do you consider to be the top three priorities to be addressed by Council in the 2024 Municipal Plan and Integrated Transportation Plan that would benefit your business? What would be the least important?

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* 11. Which of these phrases describes what would excite you about Mount Pearl's future for business and industries? Select as many or as few as you like. You can add your own words and phases at the end.

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* 12. Thank you for participating in this survey. If you have any other comments, please provide them below.

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