
Our goal is to develop a concept plan for the City's parks & facilities based on the funding that has been received.  We would appreciate your input and thank you for your time and feedback.

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* 1. In the last 12 months, how often have you visited a City Park or Facility?

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* 2. Which Parks or Facilities did you visit?

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* 3. If funding were available, which of the following facilities should have the highest priorities? (Select your top  3 choices)

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* 4. What amenities would bring you to our City Parks & Facilities more often? (Please select your top 6 choices.)

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* 5. What are the primary reasons that you visit/utilize the City of Gardena Parks & Facilities? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. What are some specific special events, projects, programs, or classes you would like to see at a Gardena Park or Facility?

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* 7. What are your priorities for Gardena Parks & Facilities? (Select your top 3 choices)

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* 8. If you have participated in any Recreation Events, Programs, or Activities offered by the City of Gardena, how did you hear about them? (Mark all that apply)

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* 9. If you seldom visit or utilize the parks & facilities in the Gardena, what are your reason(s)?

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* 10. Overall, how would you rate the City's Parks and Facilities?

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* 11. Please share any other comments you have below:

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* 12. Please provide your contact information, if you would like to be contacted.