Member Information

Thank you for taking the time to complete our annual survey review. Your feedback is valuable to help us improve our services and events for the coming year.

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* 1. Company Name.

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* 2. What type of membership do you have?

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* 3. How long have you been a member?

In the following section, you will be asked questions about membership types. For your reference, all memberships and their descriptions can be found here.

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* 4. How well do you understand the different membership categories offered by the GCVA?

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* 5. Please provide any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the clarity of our membership categories.

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* 6. Do you feel that you are currently in the correct membership category based on your needs and engagement with the GCVA?

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* 7. If you answered "No" or "Not sure", please explain why and suggest which category you believe would be more appropriate for you or, alternatively, how we can improve our category offers.