This survey is being conducted to understand the size and scale of the social enterprise sector in the WDC Region (Clare, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo) and to create a directory of social enterprises in the region. The WDC is a statutory body to promote social and economic development in the region.

Why are your collecting my information?
The purpose of collecting your data is to compile a WDC Social Enterprise Database. This data may also be used in an anonymised way to inform government policy to further develop the sector.
A Social Enterprise is defined as “an enterprise whose objective is to achieve a social, societal or environmental impact, rather than maximizing profit for its owners or shareholders. It pursues its objectives by trading on an ongoing basis through the provision of goods and/or services, and by reinvesting surpluses into achieving social objectives. It is governed in a fully accountable and transparent manner. Source :National Social Enterprise Policy Ireland 2019 -2022
In agreeing to being included in this database you confirm that you are content to be categorised as a social enterprise/ social entrepreneur in accordance with the above definition.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to complete this survey and for your responses to be used for research and publication (please note you must be 18 years age or over)

Question Title

* 2. Organisation Name

Question Title

* 3. Address

Question Title

* 4. County

Question Title

* 5. Eircode

Question Title

* 6. Organisation Contact

Question Title

* 7. Legal Status

Question Title

* 8. How Long has your organisation been trading?

Question Title

* 9. What is the mission of your organisation?

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* 10. Trading Area

Question Title

* 11. What facilities do you provide? Select all those applicable

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* 12. What percentage of your annual income is generated from ongoing trading activity?

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* 13. How many paid employees are in your organisation?

Question Title

* 14. What are your organisations biggest challenges? Please rank in order of importance.

  1. Over reliance on grant aid
  2. Lack of business skills
  3. Lack of infrastructure
  4. Recruitment and retention of staff/ volunteers
  5. Balancing social mission with economic imperative
  6. Financial sustainability of the organisation
  7. Scaling growth of the organisation
  8. Finding partners/ collaborators
  9. Lack of visibility and networks
  10. Legal and regulatory

Question Title

* 15. What are your top 3 training needs?

  1. Corporate Governance and Compliance
  2. Financial Planning and Management
  3. Business and Strategic Planning
  4. Sales and Marketing
  5. Social media and online marketing
  6. Recruitment and management of staff/ volunteers
  7. Fundraising and access to grant funding
  8. Impact Measurement
  9. Leadership Skills
  10. Expertise on how to maintain sustainability and growth

Question Title

* 16. Which of the following will be most important for the sustainability of your social enterprise?

  1. Increase in trading income
  2. Increase in grant income
  3. Joint Ventures or new partnerships with other organisations
  4. Scaling up/ expanding existing activities
  5. Starting new social enterprise activities

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* 17. Does your social enterprise seek to target any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?

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* 18. Please note: WDC will collect contact details and will be in touch with follow up information and/or future developments. Please tick the box below if you are happy to be contacted in relation to social enterprise activity in future?