Summer Reading Survey 2021 Question Title * 1. Which Summer Reading log(s) did you, or your family, participate in? Early Literacy Children Teen Adult N/A Question Title * 2. How challenging did you, or your family, find the reading logs? Too challenging Challenging Neutral Easy Too easy Question Title * 3. How strongly do you agree that the reading logs encouraged your, or your family’s, reading habits? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Very Disagree Question Title * 4. Were there any prizes (both raffle and standard) that you especially liked? Question Title * 5. (For Teen and Adult Bingo) were there any bingo slots you found too challenging or too easy? Question Title * 6. What are your opinions on the length for the Summer Reading Program (in regards to weeks running)? Ran too long Ran too short The duration was appropriate N/A Question Title * 7. If the program was too long or too short, what are the amount of weeks you think the program should run? Question Title * 8. The Summer Reading Program is designed to cater to K-5th grade. Are your child’s needs fulfilled with this format? Yes, the current age range suits my child’s needs My child’s/children’s needs are not being met; the ages should be split up (pre-K thru 1st grade one day, 2nd-5th grade another day) My child’s/children’s needs are not being met; there should be a family day that caters to pre-K thru 5th grade. N/A Other: Question Title * 9. Is there anything you would like to see added to the Summer Reading Program or Storytime? Question Title * 10. Are there any other comments or concerns you have with the Summer Reading logs, Summer Reading program, or Storytime? Done