Survey for the Director Recruitment at the Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality.

Oregon’s Environmental Quality Commission is preparing the recruitment for the next Director at DEQ.

The Environmental Quality Commission has developed this survey to hear from Oregonians. This survey will be posted until noon on April 19th, the Commission will meet on April 20th and 21st to discuss this recruitment.

As part of the preparation for this national executive search, the commission encourages Oregonians to provide their comments on the desired criteria they will use in the candidate screening process. The criteria is in two parts:
The commissioners would like to receive your input on the minimum educational requirements and your views on the desired attributes of the next Director at DEQ. 
Lastly, we have inserted a comments section for you to provide your views on the educational and desired criteria minimum requirements in selecting the next Director at DEQ.


Question Title

* 1. What should be the minimum education requirements needed for an applicant to be considered?

Question Title

* 4. Please rank the desired criteria you feel are most important from the list of seven areas provided below. Rating in descending order your preferences. (1 being most important, 7 being the least important).

Question Title

* 5. Can you please share your comments on how the Environmental Quality Commission should consider the
desired criteria in screening potential applicants.

Thank you for your comments to the Environmental Quality Commission. We appreciate your input.