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Welcome to the Denver Connector GES Neighborhood Transit Service Survey

The City and County of Denver is planning to bring a new neighborhood transit service to the GES neighborhoods to improve transportation options in the long-term. The neighborhood transit service will be a form of microtransit and would be open to everyone, affordable, and convenient.

Your feedback is important, and we appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.  Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. How might you use a new on-demand transit service that connects any two points within GES and perhaps nearby areas? (pick all that apply)

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* 2. When considering whether you would ride a new on-demand transit service, what characteristics would be most important to you?

  Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important
Ability to preschedule trips over the phone
Ability to make a trip request exactly when I need it using a smartphone, computer, or tablet
Passenger capacity limits and safety protocols
Consistent, professional drivers
Weekday service during the day (6AM-8PM)
Weekend service during the day
Early/late service (before 6AM and/or after 8PM)
Ability to bring my bike on the bus/van

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* 3. If you were to use the service, where would you most likely need to be picked up within the GES area?

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* 4. If you were to use the service, where would you most likely need to be dropped off within the GES area?

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* 5. If a new shuttle bus service had many of the characteristics most important to you and went where you need to when you needed to go, would you use it?

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* 6. Do you work in the GES area?

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* 7. Do you live in the GES area?

0 of 21 answered