Applicant's Details

The AISA DEIJ Design Team serves as an advisory body to the AISA leadership team in the planning, delivery and evaluation of AISA’s new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) programme.
The wider goal of AISA’s DEIJ work is to contribute in authentic and meaningful ways to the pressing need to address the lack of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice within the international school sector globally. Within the Africa region, the goal of AISA’s DEIJ programme is to enhance the effectiveness of AISA schools in promoting a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just community for all educators, school leaders, co-professionals and students in a manner that is contextually relevant and that results in sustainable change.
Thank you for your interest in applying to join the AISA DEIJ Design Team. Please complete all the boxes below.

Question Title

* 1. First name

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* 2. Surname

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* 3. School (written in full)

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* 4. Job Title

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* 5. Years in current role

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* 6. Email address

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* 7. Please provide a personal statement about why you are applying to be a member of the AISA DEI+J Design Team

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* 8. Briefly describe your experience in leading DEI+J initiatives (this may be in your current school, or in previous appointments.)

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* 9. Please list any qualifications or professional learning events attended (in the past 3 years) that support your application.

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* 10. Please state why you will be a useful member of the DEI+J Design Team  and how you can contribute to our work (Max 250 words)

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* 11. Please select any areas that particularly interest you:

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* 12. I  understand this role is for two years and intend to stay in an AISA member school for that time.

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* 13. My Head of School/Director is aware that I am applying for this post and is supportive this application.

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* 14. I have read and understood the DEI+J Design Team Terms of Reference and understand my commitments in joining the team.