Dual enrollment articulation agreements govern an institution's dual enrollment program with expectations concerning student eligibility, available courses, registration processes, and partner responsibilities. Section (s.) 1007.271, Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires these articulation agreements be submitted to the Department of Education (department) annually by August 1. Agreements between the following entities must be submitted:
  • Public postsecondary institutions with school districts, home education students, and private schools
  • District career centers with school districts/public schools, home education students, and private schools
  • School districts with private postsecondary institutions (as applicable)
While not required in statute, private postsecondary institutions are encouraged to submit their dual enrollment articulation agreements with private schools and home education students to the department. Private postsecondary institutions are required to adhere to the applicable dual enrollment provisions in s. 1007.271, F.S.

Pursuant to statute, the department shall review each dual enrollment articulation agreement submitted for compliance with the provisions in s. 1007.271, F.S. The Commissioner of Education shall notify the institution if the dual enrollment articulation agreement does not comply with statutory requirements and shall submit any dual enrollment articulation agreement with unresolved issues of noncompliance to the State Board of Education.

Please complete this survey for each dual enrollment articulation agreement being submitted by your institution by August 1.

Survey Submission for Multiple Agreements
If your survey submission is intended to cover multiple agreements (for example, if the same agreement language is used for agreements with multiple school districts or private schools), please enter the names of all districts or schools for which you are submitting the survey. At the end of the survey, you will be asked to attach the completed agreement. For multi-agreement survey submissions, you will be able to attach up to 20 completed agreements to this survey. The remaining agreements included in the survey response can be emailed to articulation@fldoe.org.

Question Title

* 1. Name of Submitter

Question Title

* 2. Email

Question Title

* 3. What type of institution are you representing?