St. Louis Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Survey

Citizen input for natural disaster planning in the St. Louis region

The St. Louis Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan* is currently being updated by East-West Gateway Council of Governments in coordination with a partnership of local governments, special districts, and school districts. Since 2004, federal law has required local hazard mitigation plans be prepared and adopted in order for local cities to be eligible for hazard mitigation grant funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

This survey is designed to get your input about the impact of natural disasters on you and your community and find out what type of mitigation actions you believe are most important. The survey is short and should take five to 10 minutes to complete. The information you provide will help identify risks and preferred methods to reduce the impact of natural disasters in your communities.

If you are interested in learning more about the St. Louis Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, please visit Thank you for your participation!

*The term “mitigation” means to make less harsh or severe. Hazard mitigation activities are actions that can be taken to protect people and property from natural hazards such as floods, severe storms, and extreme temperatures.
1.Which of the following disasters have you or someone in your household experienced where you live now? (please check all that apply)
2.If you checked one or more of the hazards above, please indicate the type(s) of disasters experienced and their frequency.
Multiple times each year
About once a year
Every few years
Once or a few times in my lifetime
Dam failure
Extreme temperatures (hot and/or cold)
High winds
Levee failure
Severe weather – summer
Severe weather – winter
Wild fire
3.Please select the top three natural hazards or disasters you think are the greatest threat to your community considering both frequency of occurrence and potential for damage.
4.Does your street, home, or business regularly flood during periods of heavy rain fall?
5.How long have you lived in your home?
6.Do you own or rent your home?
7.To the best of your knowledge, is your property in a flood plain?
8.Which of the following mitigation project types do you believe local government agencies should focus on to help minimize or even eliminate the impacts caused by natural disasters? Check all that apply.
9.Do you feel adequately informed you about the risks to your community from natural hazards or disasters?
10.Do you have any other comments or concerns about the best way to go about trying to prevent damage and loss of life during a natural disaster?
11.Please tell us a little about yourself.

What is your home zip code?
12.What is your age?
13.What is your household income?
14.What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
15.What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply.)
16.How many people currently live in your house?
17.Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Thank you for your assistance in this important effort.
For more information on hazard mitigation, please visit