Tell me about why you are looking to contact an attorney...

I know first-hand how difficult it is to face the process of filing a grievance, dealing with HR or Internal Affairs, filing with EEOC or the Human Rights Bureau and finding an attorney. It is a process of escalation with each step presenting its own challenges. Each step is a venture into the unknown. I'm here to help guide you.

If you are dealing with this process, you may have called numerous attorneys before getting in touch with me. I work in direct collaboration with attorneys to help prepare you for their representation and to help you have a more streamlined, service-oriented and informed process.  

The first step is to conduct a thorough intake and assess your current readiness for an attorney.  I am motivated to answer your questions, learn about your experience and  guide you through the next steps in the process -  to give you the information to decide if continuing with litigation is right for you.

If you want to pursue litigation and are not yet in a position to acquire representation, I can assist you in taking the steps that attorneys will want you to have completed prior to representation and help you articulate your experience to best communicate what happened. Then, help you determine your next steps and, when you're ready, find you an attorney that is suited to your future case. Please keep in mind that I am not an attorney, nor am I able to give legal advice. My job is to inform you of the facts and let you decide what is best for you.

I will be your guide in efficiently preparing you for the litigation process and making sure you are informed. I collaborate directly with local attorneys for this service and it is free to you through the intake and evaluation process.

If you choose, I will take you through the entire process up until you sign a contract with your attorney, for an additional fee. Using these services will help your chances of being able to obtain representation on a contingency basis. It took me months to find an attorney, then I experienced the loss of a $7,000 retainer before having the good fortune to be taken under the wing of an attorney who found me someone to represent me on a contingency.  My goal is to find you representation and advocate for you with the attorneys whom I am affiliated - and also prepare you for their representation so they are able to work more efficiently to help you and others who need them.

All decisions are solely yours regarding this process: how you proceed with your employment, your future litigation and/or how you choose to move forward with your situation. I will give you the most accurate and informed information possible and be your advocate along the way and a liaison between you and the attorneys so you don't have to spend so much time trying to find and get information from attorneys - you can work on moving forward. This is a difficult situation and I am here to make it easier.

Question Title

* 1. Tell me a little about yourself...

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* 2. Who referred you to The Advocate?

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* 3. Were you referred to a particular attorney?

Question Title

* 4. Are you currently represented by an attorney

Question Title

* 5. Please share your reason for contacting me today

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* 6. What company are you having a problem with? (Who are you potentially looking to sue?)

Question Title

* 7. Approximately how many employees does this company have locally?

Question Title

* 8. What is/was your length of employment with the company in question

Question Title

* 9. What was your date of hire with the company in question?


Question Title

* 10. What was your job title at the time of hire?

Question Title

* 11. What is your current job title, or your title at the time you left or were fired?

Question Title

* 12. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status if you are/were employed by the company in question?

Question Title

* 13. If you were denied a job, what job were you seeking

Question Title

* 14. If you were terminated, were you given severance pay?

Question Title

* 15. If fired, did you sign a release waiver?

Question Title

* 16. What is your current pay, or what was your pay at the time you left the employer in question?

Question Title

* 17. Was/is your pay consistent with others in the company with a similar title or similar experience?

Question Title

* 18. Were you ever denied overtime, have to work off the clock, or did you have a problem receiving your final paycheck?

Question Title

* 19. If you were fired, what is the age, race and sex of your replacement?

Question Title

* 20. What is the most prominent real reason you think this employer fired, failed to hire or promote you or took adverse action against you?

Question Title

* 21. What is the reason that the employer gave you for the adverse treatment/action?

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* 22. Is there any behavior, action or accusation that is being made by your employer or former employer?

Question Title

* 23. Are you represented by a labor organization (union)?

Question Title

* 24. If no longer working for the company in question, have you found other employment?

Question Title

* 25. If you are having issues with an employer, what type, if any, of reporting have you done?

Question Title

* 26. Do you believe that your case involves (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 27. Did you take or keep any company documents or any company property from the employer/company in question

Question Title

* 28. Do you have any recordings relevant to your adverse situation at work?

Question Title

* 29. Please explain any discipline or retaliation you have received

Question Title

* 30. For the company in question, did you fill out a written job application or resume

Question Title

* 31. Do you know if you signed an agreement to arbitrate any claims against your employer?

Question Title

* 32. Have others at the company in question been treated similarly to you?

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* 33. If yes to the previous question, how many people would you estimate have received similar treatment and what do they have in common with each other?

Question Title

* 34. Are you:

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* 35. What is your age?

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* 36. What is your marital status

Question Title

* 37. Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community?

Question Title

* 38. Which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?

Question Title

* 39. What is your sexual orientation?

Question Title

* 40. Does your employer know about your gender/sexual orientation?

Question Title

* 41. Were you born in a country other than the United States?

Question Title

* 42. Was there ever any overt comment or behavior made by your employer or its employees about your sex, race, religion, gender or abilities?

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* 43. What do you want to accomplish?

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* 44. Are you aware of any deadline with respect to your need for legal advice or representation?

Question Title

* 45. I understand that LeAnne Gomez is not an attorney, nor is she qualified to give legal advice. This is a problem-solving and data-gathering experience and LeAnne Gomez is not liable for any outcomes related to these interactions. All decisions are solely mine regarding my employment and/or how I choose to move forward. Any and all information I choose to share regarding my experience is voluntary and truthful. I understand that none of my personal information will be shared without my consent.

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* 46. Any additional comments?