General Information

Early Bird registration for the 2023 Safe Routes to School Summit is now open! This form is for registrants who are not able to pay by credit card on Zoom Events. Please complete this form if you are 1) registering multiple participants and would like to pay by invoice or 2) an individual who needs to pay by check. 
There are two registration rates:
  • Regular Rate: $125.00 per person
  • Community Rate: $25.00 per person. Parent volunteer? Community member? Safe Routes to School not your part or full-time job? Please join us at this deeply discounted "community rate." Community rates are available through October 26, 2023. 
You will receive an invoice within a week of submitting this form. Then, each registrant will be sent a link to complete their registration. If you need to register more than ten participants or need to make special arrangements beyond invoicing, please reach out to Margo Pedroso -
For all other registrations, please visit the Safe Routes to School Summit 2023 event page.

Question Title

* 1. Organization/Agency Information

Question Title

* 2. Invoice Contact Person

Question Title

* 4. List each Regular Rate registrant's name and email (First/Last/Email).

Question Title

* 6. List each Community Rate registrant's name and email (First/Last/Email).

Question Title

* 7. Please leave any additional comments about payment or registration below.