Region 5 Recovery Hub Individual Needs Assessment Survey

1.Are you currently in recovery?
2.Please identify how many months you have been in recovery.
3.Have you received recovery support services in the past year?
4.Are you currently receiving recovery support services? (If yes, please describe below)
5.Are you currently seeking recovery support services? (If yes, please describe the services you are seeking.)
6.Did you face challenges when entering recovery? (If yes, please describe below.)
7.Have you faced challenges staying in recovery? (If yes, please describe below)
8.What types of recovery support services have you used? Select all that apply. If other please describe below.
9.Please rate your agreement to the following statement: There are enough recovery support services available to me.
10.Please rate your agreement to the following statement: Recovery support services are easily accessible for me.
11.Please rate your agreement to the following statement:
There are a variety of support recovery services available to me
12.Please rate your agreement to the following statement:
Access to recovery support services is equitable (e.g., everybody has fair and equal access).
13.Please rate the quality of the services available to you.
14.What has been the most helpful aspect of the recovery support services for you?
15.In what areas do you think improvements are needed in the recovery support services? Select all that apply. If other please describe.
16.Do you feel that the recovery support services are culturally and linguistically appropriate?
17.What additional support or services would you find helpful in your recovery journey?
18.Which county do/did you receive your recovery support services in?
19.How do you identify?
20.Are you a part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
21.Which category below includes your age?
22.Please indicate your race
23.Are you of Hispanic or Latino/a origin?
24.What is your marital status?
25.What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have
26.Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?
27.How much total combined money did all members of your household earn in 2022?
28.Please share any other comments or suggestions you have about the recovery support services.