Monarch System Inc ~ Motivational Interviewing Level 3 Advanced Progressive WECHC Workshop ~ Pre-2025 Event Questions

In service of you getting what you want out of this Level 3 workshop, we want to co-design the content of the workshop so that the exercises, discussions etc work to your best learning advantage. To that end then, please respond to the following 5 questions and submit your response/s BY Wednesday 15 January 2025
1.When do you use MI, professionally and/or personally. That is, when do you find MI most useful?
2.What MI tool tools do you most frequently use? Specific examples - no client or identifying information, please.
3.What issues, if any, have arisen in using MI effectively to change health behaviours with your clients/patients?
4.What specific needs do you have for this workshop?
5.After you leave this Level 3 Monarch MI workshop on February 2nd, what do you anticipate will be different in your application of MI skills with your client/patient/personal communications?
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered