CMA Governance Assessment |
2024 Governance/House of Delegates Survey
As a member of the House of Delegates, we value your opinion to guide our continuous quality improvement.
This survey is an assessment of your experience and perceptions about elements of the CMA House of Delegates (HOD). CMA will be examining the efficacy of a variety of processes and policies; but we would also like to understand your 'big picture' thoughts about HOD. Filling it out completely should take about 20 minutes.
Additionally, as the Governance TAC is considering suggesting improvements to the HOD and CMA governance in general - it has been asked to be conscientious to the expenses associated (whether borne by CMA, component or specialty societies, or by individual members), and consider the drivers of cost related to supporting governance activities including the size of the House, staff time, and event logistics.
CMA must correctly balance the principles of good governance in order to achieve its strategic goals, preserve its Mission, and speak with the voice of its Members. We appreciate you taking the time to reflect and to offer your impression and feedback, as we continue to make changes and improvements to our system of physician decision-making in the Association. Thank you!
This survey is an assessment of your experience and perceptions about elements of the CMA House of Delegates (HOD). CMA will be examining the efficacy of a variety of processes and policies; but we would also like to understand your 'big picture' thoughts about HOD. Filling it out completely should take about 20 minutes.
Additionally, as the Governance TAC is considering suggesting improvements to the HOD and CMA governance in general - it has been asked to be conscientious to the expenses associated (whether borne by CMA, component or specialty societies, or by individual members), and consider the drivers of cost related to supporting governance activities including the size of the House, staff time, and event logistics.
CMA must correctly balance the principles of good governance in order to achieve its strategic goals, preserve its Mission, and speak with the voice of its Members. We appreciate you taking the time to reflect and to offer your impression and feedback, as we continue to make changes and improvements to our system of physician decision-making in the Association. Thank you!