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Ambulance utilisation has increased significantly over the last 12 - 24 months. This puts extreme stress on ESTA Ambulance staff who are at the centre of managing the case load.

We are conducting this survey to discover how work intensification is affecting you, and are looking to establish solutions we can work with ESTA, AV, WorkSafe and the Victorian Government to implement.

Please note that responses are completely anonymous, no identifying information will be shared.  

Question Title

* 1. Are you an ESTA employee?

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* 2. Which disciplines do you work in?

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* 3. What is your role?

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* 4. I have received a request to undertake overtime

  Between 1 and 5 times Between 5 and 15 times Between 15 and 30 times Between 30 and 50 times Too many to count N/A
In the last seven days
In the last 14 days
In the last month

Question Title

* 5. How much do the following things contribute to your daily workload?

  Rarely Sometimes Often Frequently  All the time N/A
Availability of ambulance crews
Number of calls waiting
Insufficient CTD staff to cope with the workload
Service levels (KPI's)
Manual operations
Hospital delays (eg ramping)
Call backs for ETA 

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* 6. How adequate do you feel staffing levels are in ESTA?

Not at all They are exactly right

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* 7. How stressed have you felt in the last week as a result of your daily workload? 

Not at all Extremely stressed

Question Title

* 8. Please rank the following suggestions for improving workloads

  1. Improve hospital wait times (ramping)
  2. Increase numbers of Ambulance Crews
  3. AV and ESTA to enact surge script at a lower case rate
  4. Additional staffing

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* 9. How has stress from workload affected you? (please tick all that apply)

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* 10. Please provide any other suggestions you have to improve workload at ESTA

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* 11. Would you like to be involved in improving staffing at ESTA?

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* 12. Would you like someone from the AEAV to contact you about your suggestions? 

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* 13. Enter your details

0 of 13 answered