STRATEGIC & COMMUNITY PLAN – COMMUNITY SURVEY Page1 / 1 100% of survey complete. The newly elected Council is required under the Local Government Act to review its strategic plan within 24 months of its election.This survey has been prepared to gain information from the community. A similar survey is being used for businesses.Council is also conducting workshops for various groups, including a specific workshop to be held in Carrieton. More information about these workshops is available via assistance in completing this survey will be invaluable to the Council and we thank you for taking the time to complete it. The survey is to be completed by 11 September. Question Title * OPTIONAL RESPONSESName of the person completing this survey: Question Title * Are you happy to be contacted regarding your survey responses, should the Council wish to seek further information from you? Yes No Question Title * If yes, please provide us with your best contact details: Phone number: Postal address: Email address: Question Title * REQUIRED RESPONSES1. ABOUT YOUAre you a (please tick): Rate payer Non resident rate-payer Question Title * 1.1 Where is your home? Orroroo Township Carrieton Township Other Township Primary Production Farm Rural Other Question Title * 1.2 How long have you lived/owned property in the Council area? 1 - 3 years 3 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10 - 20 years 20 plus years Question Title * 1.3 What is your age group? 5 - 15 years 16 - 25 years 25 - 45 years 45 - 65 years 65 plus years Question Title * 2. SERVICES2.1 Indicate at 1 the most important services to 15 the least important services to you Question Title * What is not on this list that is important to you?(Please comment) • • • Question Title * 3. YOUR VISION FOR YOUR COUNCIL AREAIn your own words comment on what you want your Council's vision to be for the next 10 years: Question Title * 4. COUNCIL SERVICESWhat do you want your Council to continue to provide by way of services to the community? Question Title * What do you want your Council to not continue to provide by way of services to the community? Question Title * 5. YOUR COUNCILWhich of the following statements best reflects what you want from your Council? Development planning decisions that improve the amenity and growth of the area Regulations and by-laws that support a healthy and respectful community Local roads that are well maintained Good management of heavy vehicle movements throughout the town and region Telecommunications and internet connectivity Energy saving initiatives and support Affordable housing Advocacy to the other spheres of government on policies and programs that impact on our community Equality and targeted support for: Birth - pre-school Primary school Youth Aged Disabled Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Migrants Other disadvantaged groups Good financial management Keeping rates affordable Promotion of the council area and attraction of tourists and investors More housing blocks available in the area Formalised or organised consultation and engagement with the community Access to health services Access to childcare services Recreation, tourism, arts and cultural facilities that celebrate what our community has to offer Tidy and attractive townships Management of the environment - clean, green and climate change conscious Provision and maintenance of the community waste water management scheme Adoption of consultation and engagement strategies that make sure our voices are heard before decisions are taken Information about what the council is doing for the community provided on a regular and accessible basis Access to community grants that might require matched funding Natural event disaster mitigation/preparation Question Title * Other statements you would insert - comment below: • • • Question Title * 6. YOUR SUGGESTED PROJECTS/ACTIVITIESWhat key projects/activities do you specifically seek from your CouncilPlease comment: • • • Question Title * THE CURRENT COUNCIL STRATEGIC/COMMUNITY PLANThe current plan has a specific focus on:1.1 Prosperity:Economic Growth, Sustainable Business and Innovation and highlights the following:Tick what is still relevant from this list. Orroroo main street upgrade Leveraging the unique history of the district through the tourism plan Actively engaging with local industry and small business to support sustainability, new economic activity and job opportunities Strengthening our identity and raising our profile through branding and advocacy Prioritising infrastructure needs in transport, telecommunications, energy and water Leveraging Council's ownership of land to encourage and facilitate increased economic development Question Title * 1.2 LifestyleHealthy, Safe, Well Serviced, Vibrant Communities and highlights the following:Tick what is still relevant from this list. Maintain, develop and improve Council's infrastructure to meet current and emerging needs Strongly advocate with State and Federal governments to retain and improve essential health, childcare, education, telecommunication and transport services Maintain and enhance productive relationships with progress and community associations across the district Provide open space and recreation facilities that cater to the diverse needs of our community Question Title * 1.3 Leadership:Advocacy, Financial Prudency, Responsible, Adaptive and highlights the following:Tick what is still relevant from this list. Maintain honest, open and accountable communication Demonstrate strong and proactive community leadership on important issues Enhance relationships with community groups and continue to provide high standard community facilities Strengthen our brand and identity and celebrate success Invest in our workforce and leverage opportunities for greater efficiency Continue to deliver and improve a high standard of customer service Question Title * 1.4 Landscape:Healthy Environment, Sustainability, Best Practice and highlights the following:Tick what is still relevant from this list. Decision making considers local climate and extreme weather events through approaches to trees, parks pavements and energy Support tourism development that sustains natural environmental systems Design and invest in high quality camping sites and walking trails which are considerate and complementary to the natural landscape Best practice in dog and cat management Ensure development plans and strategies facilitate opportunities for sustainable development and residential amenity Work with emergency services to prepare for disaster management and recovery Question Title * ANY OTHER COMMENTS:Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about? Done