DCMS Members, please help us evaluate & improve your annual benefits!

THANK YOU for taking this 20 question survey! By participating, you could win a pair of Jaguars tickets,  a gift card to Amazon or Publix, and more!

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been a member of the Duval County Medical Society (DCMS)?

Question Title

* 2. What type of practice are you with? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. There are a variety of opportunities to serve the healthcare community through our organization. Please indicate any volunteer service you have ever been involved with through DCMS.

Question Title

* 4. The DCMS, together with the DCMS Foundation, offers a Physician Wellness Program designed to address the seriousness of physician burnout in our community. Through a 24/7 wellness line, six free counseling sessions are available to all DCMS members. No information is disclosed and no electronic medical records are created.

Were you previously aware of this program?

Question Title

* 5. The DCMS produces a peer-reviewed medical journal called Northeast Florida Medicine. This journal is mailed quarterly to DCMS members and includes free CME, legislative updates, editorials, and updates on the local residency programs. 

Which of the following elements of Northeast Florida Medicine do you read?

Question Title

* 6. How do you read Northeast Florida Medicine?

Question Title

* 7. What topics would you like to see covered in future issues of Northeast Florida Medicine? (List as many as apply)

Question Title

* 8. Northeast Florida Medicine CME credits can be obtained by mailing back the test from the journal or by taking the test online at dcmsonline.org. Along with free CME in the journal, the DCMS also hosts occasional live CME events.

Which of the following have you utilized to earn CME credits?

Question Title

* 9. What topics would you like to see at future CME events? (List as many as apply)

Question Title

* 10. The DCMS hosts a variety of annual events for members and their family, office staff, and colleagues. Which of our events have you attended in the past year?

Question Title

* 11. What types of events would you like to see in the future?

Question Title

* 12. Every Tuesday, the DCMS sends a weekly E-newsletter with legislative updates, event reminders, local medical organization & member news and information on benefits. Which of these are most valuable to you and your practice?

Question Title

* 13. The DCMS partners with The Florida Times-Union and Beaches Leader publications to produce an educational health column. This is a free opportunity for members to showcase their clinical expertise to the public.

Have you ever submitted an article for one of these columns?

Question Title

* 14. If you would be interested in writing an article for the column, please provide your contact information below and we will contact you:

Question Title

* 15. The DCMS regularly sends out legislative updates and membership information on social media. Do you follow us on any of the following:

Question Title

* 16. Please rate each of our DCMS member benefits/programs using the following scale: 
1 = Not Beneficial, 2 = Slightly Beneficial, 3 = Somewhat Beneficial, 4 = Very Beneficial, 5 = Extremely Beneficial.

  1 2 3 4 5 Don't Know
Free CME at dcmsonline.org
DCMS Annual Events and Membership Meetings
Website at dcmsonline.org (Member practice information, Ability to pay dues, Legislative updates, etc.)
Quarterly Northeast Florida Medicine journal
Discounts with vendors such as The Doctor's Company and CE Broker
Inclusion in the DCMS Directory/Referrals
Ability to write healthcare articles for The Florida Times-Union and Beaches Leader publications
Group health insurance plan
Social media updates
Physician Wellness Program
Legislative advocacy

Question Title

* 17. Please select the three MOST valuable member benefits to you and your practice. (Select up to 3)

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* 18. Please select the three LEAST valuable member benefits to you and your practice. (Select up to 3)

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* 19. How would you rate the overall value of your DCMS membership?

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* 20. Please provide your name and email if you would like to be entered into our drawing for a $100 Amazon Gift Card, $100 Publix gift card, a pair of tickets to a 2018 Jaguars game, or a ticket to the DCMS Future of Healthcare Conference!

Winners will be contacted on or around May 14th!

Question Title

* 21. What can the DCMS do to add value to your member experience?