Summary update on new DCG/CAD computers (April 2020)

Following a recent Tender process for DCG/CAD computers new models of both Mini-Tower computers and for Laptops are available to be purchased by schools or ETBs.

The Specification details for these new DCG Tower computers and Laptops is available at this link:

Funding the purchase of DCG Computers: Firstly there is no 'DCG-specific ICT Grant'. All ICT schools funding (apart from new school builds) is made available via the annual ICT Grants.

Timing of Grant: The current DES ICT Policy Unit plan is to pay ICT Grants to Post Primary schools and ETBs by mid May, at the latest. 

Forecast your requirements: In order to forecast the number of new Mini-Tower computers and Laptops that schools require to place orders for in the first order batch, PDST are asking schools &/or ETBs to forecast the number they plan to order.

Schools should only forecast the number of units that it plans to order based on having funds available to purchase. If a school or ETB will not have funds available (including ICT Grant funds in early May) then it should not complete this form, as this will cause the forecast to be incorrect. 

Mini-Tower Cost: €978.96 (Including 21.5 Inch monitor, and including VAT).
Laptop Cost: €1,177.59 (Including VAT).

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* 1. Is the School Principal/or ETB including their forecast based on the 2020 ICT Grant being paid to schools by Mid-May 2020?

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* 2. Is your school an ETB School?

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* 3. If you are an ETB School, have you coordinated your school forecast with your ETB to ensure that the forecast is not entered twice (ie., by the school and the ETB), if not please do so before completing this form.

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* 4. Your School Details and Forecast

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* 5. What Month are you planning to place your school order?

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* 6. When you have completed your input, Press the green 'Submit Response Now' button below to submit your response. Thank you for taking time to provide a forecast. For any queries contact