Dubbo City Council's City Development and Communications Branch undertakes a diverse range of activities and campaigns designed to drive visitation, build investment, attract new residents and promote a positive image of the City.
The purpose of this survey is to seek industry's feedback on activities and campaigns designed to drive visitation to the City by marketing to the leisure and events markets.     

Tell us what you think!    All responses are anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. Have you been directly involved with the services provided by City Promotions and Events team?

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with key elements of City Promotions and Events

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Unaware that this was a key area of City Promotions and Events for Council
Visitor attraction
Event attraction
Support to City events
Promotion of City events
Event Development Fund (2 streams)
Development and maintenance of www.dubbo.com.au

Question Title

* 3. The Branch delivers a range of activities through the City Development Delivery Program Please see a list of some of those activities below, please select those you are aware of, and how satisfied you have been with their development or delivery.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Unaware of activity/service/development
Great Western Plains. Great Big Adventures - regional visitor attraction campaign
Dubbo Experience Packages - bundled package of attractions
Produced 157,000 copies of Dubbo Visitors Guide, Events Guide and New Residents Guide
Dubbo City Map (brochureware) and Map and Experience Boards
Flags in Macquarie Street
The Dubbo Event Network
Rhino Adventure - cross regional product
Smile it's Christmas Program
Event attraction activities including tailored bids eg. 2015 Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout, 2015 State Cricket Championships, 2016 Australian Indoor Junior Cricket Championships
Support to events including scoping meetings with key council staff  and high-level assistance eg. Talbragar and Macquarie Street Markets (December 2015)
Development of the on-line Event Organisers Toolbox
Event Promotion including listings on dubbo.com.au and weekly radio segments
City Development Partnership Program - activities designed to drive visitation, attract new residents and events in partnership with industry 
Manage dubbo.com.au - the City's web portal
Provide images and copy to media and businesses
Manage social media - @dubbocity - facebook/twitter/instagram

Question Title

* 4. An important component of the Delivery Plan is keeping stakeholders up-to-date regarding various key activities and opportunities. Do you find out about the Plan through any of the below?

Question Title

* 5. Is there anything that you have been particularly happy with in regards to activities or outcomes from the City Development Delivery Plan?

Question Title

* 6. Is there anything that you believe could be improved with regards to activities or outcomes from the City Promotions and Events?

Question Title

* 7. Would you like someone from our City Promotions and Events Team to contact you regarding your feedback? If so, please leave your name and contact information below.