The Discernment Committee Wants To Hear From You

Question Title

* 1. When the congregation of Grace & Holy Trinity Church was asked in 2020 what qualities a rector should possess, the responses identified a number of areas. The following list represents those that were important then and now. Please rank these characteristics from most important (1) to least important (7).

  1. The ability to connect people with God’s word through inspiration, teaching and preaching
  2. Strong leadership through times of change
  3. Decision making ability
  4. Ability to form and nurture a sense of community 
  5. Ability to articulate and implement a shared vision to lead the parish forward, “ever aspiring to be more like Christ.”
  6. Flexibility and adaptability
  7. Management and administrative skills

Question Title

* 2. Reflecting on the qualities above, please take time to think carefully and prayerfully about the strengths and challenges of Grace & Holy Trinity Church during its 100th year. Please let the Discernment Committee know how, in your view, a priest-in-charge can best serve our church today and what other skills and qualities you wish to see in that person.