Employer Feedback Form

Smart Commute London

The City of London has launched Smart Commute London, London’s first Transportation Management Association, to support commuters in London.

A Transportation Management Association is an organization that provides commuter services and programs for employees. It is generally a public-private arrangement, consisting of area employers working with local government support.

Smart Commute London will support employers and their employees by helping more Londoners choose cheaper, less stressful, and greener commuting options to and from their workplace. Smart Commute London is a key part of London’s Climate Emergency Action Plan and the developing Mobility Master Plan.

In early 2020, the City collected feedback from both employers and employees across London. The City is now re-engaging London employers because the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how and where many Londoners work. This feedback form is an updated opportunity for employers to share their current needs and interest in joining Smart Commute London.
1.What is the name of your company or organization? Answering this question is optional.
2.Do you currently offer any of these programs to your employees to encourage them to drive alone less often? [Select all that apply]
3.How many employees do you have working in London?
4.Approximately what percentage of your employees live outside London?
5.Over the next 2-3 years, what percentage of your employee workforce will work exclusively from home (i.e., almost all the time)?
6.Over the next 2-3 years, what percentage of your employee workforce will work a hybrid schedule (working from both at home and from the office roughly the same amount of time)?
7.Have you heard employees raise challenges about getting to and from work with company leadership?
8.Given what employees are saying, what are your priorities? (Select all that apply)
9.Do you have any comments or concerns about how employees get to and from work?
10.Would you be interested in opportunities to provide any of the following commuter options to your employees over the next 1-2 years?
Already do
Planning to do
Interested in
Not interested in
Information and maps (e.g., bus routes & bike routes to workplace)
Safe and secure bicycle parking
Shared bicycle(s) for work-related trips
Shared vehicle(s) for work-related trips
Flexible work hours or telecommuting
Transit fare provided for local work-related trips
Taxi/Uber fare provided for local work-related trips
Incentives for employees to carpool (e.g., preferred parking spot near entrance)
Priority carpool parking
Incentives for employees to take transit or paratransit (e.g., discounted bus pass)
Incentives for employees to walk, bike or use a personal mobility device (e.g., e-scooter, e-bike)
Lockers/showers at work
Carpool matching service
Employer-organized vanpool/shuttle
Lunch and Learn style workshops for employees
Prizes and rewards for employees who choose a sustainable commute option
Emergency Ride Home for employees who carpool, take transit, walk or cycle
(If employee has an unforeseen emergency on a day they used one of these options, they can request reimbursement)
11.Would you like to learn more about commuter options and Smart Commute London? If so, please share what email address we should use to contact you.