2021 Good Food Foundation Virtual Mercantile
For New Mexico Companies
May 26, 2021

1.Please list Company and Contact Name

2.Company Address
3.Phone Number
5.If applicable, please list company website and social media platforms. Does your website include an e-commerce service?
6.Please provide company history/background. How is your product unique?
7.Do you currently have-out-of-state distribution? If so, what states/regions do you reach?
8.What type of product(s) up to 3, would your company like to showcase during the 2021 Good Food Foundation Virtual Mercantile? All products must consist of NM grown specialty crops, as defined by USDA.

Please click the link to view the full list of eligible specialty crops and USDA's definition.
9.To be eligible for the 2021 Virtual Mercantile, New Mexico companies must meet at least one Good Food Foundation Standard associated with the product category. Please list the category your product aligns with (excluding beer, spirits, or hard ciders) and the standard your company meets, as seen on the Good Food Category Standards document.

Please click the link to view the Good Food Foundation Category Standards.
10.(Optional) Please include any retailers that your company would like to see in attendance at the 2021 Virtual Mercantile.

Please click the link to view the list of potential Good Food Foundation Retailers.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered