BOC Graduate Survey
What have you learned from your BOC training? (choose all that apply)
How to save energy and reduce energy costs
How to increase energy efficiency
How to improve operations
How to improve building comfort
Other, please specify
None of the above
Have you seen any energy savings at your facility after completing the BOC training?
Yes, up to $1,000
Yes, between $1,001-$5,000
Yes, between $5,001-$10,000
Yes, $10,000+
Have not calculated savings yet
Not sure
Have you implemented any energy efficiency projects at your facility since completing your BOC training?
In progress
If yes or in progress, what type(s) of projects? (choose all that apply)
Replaced existing equipment
Modified existing equipment
Completed new construction project
Made operational changes
Not applicable
Other, please specify
If no, what barriers have prevented you in proposing or implementing an energy efficiency project? (choose all that apply)
Difficult to identify an energy efficiency project
No budget to purchase new equipment or upgrades
Lack of support from management
Not applicable
Other, please specify
Has BOC helped advance your career? (choose all that apply)
Yes, I received a bonus
Yes, I received a promotion
Yes, I received a salary increase
Yes, I found a new job
Other, please specify
Would you recommend the BOC training to a colleague or friend?
How do you think the BOC curriculum can improve? (choose all that apply)
Courses can be better organized
More skilled or knowledgeable instructors
Topics can be updated or changed
Curriculum content can be updated or changed
Schedule can be better organized or changed
Other, please specify
Which Level I BOC topic(s) were your favorite and why?
1001: Energy Efficient Operation of Building HVAC Systems
1002: Measuring and Benchmarking Energy Performance
1003: Efficient Lighting Fundamentals
1004: HVAC Controls Fundamentals
1005: Indoor Environmental Quality
1006: Common Opportunities for Low-Cost Operational Improvement
1007: Facility Electrical Systems
1008: Operation & Maintenance Practices for Sustainable Buildings
1010: Energy Efficient Ventilation Strategies and High Performance Heating and Cooling Equipment
1011: Energy Efficient Ventilation Strategies and Energy Savings through Energy Recovery
1012: High Performance Heating and Cooling Equipment and Energy Savings through Energy Recovery
1013: Smart Buildings Fundamentals
Please describe why
If you have taken Level II, which of the following topic(s) were your favorite and why?
2001: Building Scoping for Operational Improvements
2002: Optimizing HVAC Controls for Energy Efficiency
2003: Introduction to Building Commissioning
2004: Water Efficiency for Building Operators
2005: Project Peer Exchange: Present Your Final Report
2010: Preventive Maintenance & Troubleshooting Principles
2011: Motors in Facilities
2012: Advanced Electrical Systems Diagnostics
2013: Mastering Electric Control Circuits
2014: Enhanced Automation and Demand Reduction
I have not taken Level II
Please describe why
Do you prefer online or in-person classes?
Hybrid, please specify
What kind of topics are you interested in learning about in upcoming webinars? (Note: Webinars can be used for BOC credential maintenance points and are generally free)
Your responses will be kept anonymous. If you are interested in entering the raffle or talking to us further, please include your name and contact information.