Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Annual Student Assessment Report

(Satisfaction Scale: 4=very satisfied, 3=satisfied, 2=dissatisfied, 1=very dissatisfied)

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following:

  4 3 2 1 Not Applicable
Personal security/safety at this campus
Recreational facilities on campus
Availability of adequate housing for students
General registration procedures
Opportunities for student employment
Student government
Student voice in college policies
Career services availability
College-sponsored tutorial services
Cultural programs and activities
Availability of financial aid information prior to enrollment
Availability of your advisor
Quality of instruction in your major area of study
Out-of-class availability of your instructors
Course content in your area of study
Attitude of the teaching staff toward students
Cafeteria/food services
Concern for you as an individual
This college in general
I would choose to attend EOSC again