Exit What value can I offer you? Question Title * 1. What sorts of things would you like to see me make/release/talk about here? (What would you like to see my art on? What would help you to find more ease or inspiration in your day?)Select as many answers as you like. tote bags, yoga mats, clothing, etc. book of the best #100dayswithpeta artworks & written insights digital prints (downlod & take to a printer yourself) paintings on canvas for your home process video/timelapses/works in progress art zines or ebooks with selected artworks and words more writing about art/life/experiments another 100 Day Project or smaller 30 day challenges your favourite artists, art resources, podcasts - what helps you as an artist art + personal development, and insights on how they work together commission pieces Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. I also really enjoy personal development and mindset, is this something you’re into as well and would like to see me talk more about? yes no unsure what you mean Question Title * 3. What value do you place on art? What amount do you feel comfortable spending on art pieces?Select as many answers as you like. up to $20 up to $50 up to $100 up to $200 $500 and over Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What do you enjoy about my art? What draws you in to follow along with the journey?Select as many answers as you like. I've always known you and am simply showing my support I love your art and can't wait to see what you do next I enjoy looking at photos of your art Your art makes me feel something (happy/energetic/peaceful/etc.) I like when you share personal details that mirror what is happening in your art process You are relatable I'm waiting to purchase something that speaks to me Your art inspires my own artmaking process Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which best describes you? I am an artist I am not an artist I am interested in learning more about art Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Is there anything else you wish to add? Question Title * 7. Thanks for your responses! It means so much.Please leave your name + email address* if you wish to be added to my newsletter mailing list when it is up and running.*By entering your email address here, you agree to sign up for my newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time if you no longer wish to receive emails from me.Please note, I'm flying by the seat of my pants and am still figuring out my way through having an art business, so the frequency and contents of my newsletter may change over time. It may cover the art process, personal insights + anecdotes, discounts/sales/pre-sales, free downloads, etc. Your Name Your Email Address As a thank you for your time, here's a free print download with my own watercolour lettering + photography.Click the link below to open in another window and save to your device.x PHFree 'salt' Printable Image Done!