NGAA 2021 Symposium - Call for Submissions

The National Growth Areas Alliance is inviting submissions from its Member  Councils, their research partners and academia for inclusion in our 2021 Symposium - Research and Practice from Australia's growth areas, to be hosted by Liverpool City Council in July 2021.

Due to the ongoing uncertainty around interstate travel, the 2021 Symposium will be initially organised as a virtual event. We will continue to explore options for a live element if possible.

Submissions will be assessed by the NGAA Research and Practice Reference Group. All materials submitted may be included in a variety of Symposium publications.

The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 28 April, 2021. Please direct all enquiries to Bronwen Clark,

Please visit NGAA's Research Hub for more information on our research priorities.

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Position

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* 3. Organisation

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* 4. Email address

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* 5. Phone

Question Title

* 6. Title and Summary of your project (250 words)

Question Title

* 7. To which of the NGAA’s policy pillars does your project most closely align?

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* 8. How did you identify the issue that needed to be addressed? (100 words max)

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* 9. Why is it an issue important and relevant to outer urban growth areas? (300 words max)

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* 10. What was the method/approach you used in this project? (300 words max)

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* 11. What were the project's stated goals and how did you measure the outcomes against them?
(300 words max)

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* 12. How will/could the project outcomes be incorporated into local government work? (300 words max)

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* 13. Please upload one image representing the project.

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.

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* 14. If successful, I give permission for NGAA to use and/or reproduce all written content and imagery/photos submitted for promotional purposes

Question Title

* 15. This submission has the support of relevant Council Director/CEO.