Lightning Talk Application

Applications are due by April 26th
Please Note:
-You must pay registration fees and be a current NEREID member to present.
-Lightning talks will be limited to 10 minutes TOTAL, 7-8 minutes with 2-3 minutes for questions.
-Lightning Talks may not be used to make sales presentations.
-Selected abstracts will be included in summit materials.

The Summit Organizing Committee will review your submission and provide a timely response to you through the email provided. While we will do our best to include everyone, we cannot guarantee all abstracts will be selected as lightning talks.

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Institution

Question Title

* Email

Question Title

* Paper Title

Question Title

* Lightning Talk Abstract 

Please provide a brief description of your talk. This will be included in summit materials.

Question Title

* I understand that I must submit presentation materials to summit organizers before my lightning talk.

Question Title

* Comments

Describe anything that you were not able to communicate using the options above.