This survey is designed to help you:

1: Identify particular areas of need in the community you serve 
2: Establish capacity for your coalition.

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* 1. Coalition Information
Please, provide the name of your coalition, the name of your contact person, the contact person's email address, and the zip codes your coalition will serve.

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* 2. Please select the current community partnerships where these is an identified person(s) for collaboration.  Select all that apply.

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* 3. Are the following currently in place within your organization/coalition? Select all that apply.

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* 4. Select the resources your organization/coalition has access to.

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* 5. Has your organization/coalition completed a community or needs assessment to identify resources.  If yes, please forward document to

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* 6. Please identify possible community concerns. Select all that apply.

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* 7. Does your organization/coalition have knowledge of substance misuse challenges in the community/neighborhood?

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* 8. Select problem substances.