The DART Advocate responded in a timely manner.
The DART Advocate responded in a timely manner. Strongly DISAGREE
The DART Advocate responded in a timely manner. Somewhat DISAGREE
The DART Advocate responded in a timely manner. Does Not Apply
The DART Advocate responded in a timely manner. Somewhat AGREE
The DART Advocate responded in a timely manner. Strongly AGREE
The DART advocate treated me with respect.
The DART advocate treated me with respect. Strongly DISAGREE
The DART advocate treated me with respect. Somewhat DISAGREE
The DART advocate treated me with respect. Does Not Apply
The DART advocate treated me with respect. Somewhat AGREE
The DART advocate treated me with respect. Strongly AGREE
The DART advocate treated the victim with respect.
The DART advocate treated the victim with respect. Strongly DISAGREE
The DART advocate treated the victim with respect. Somewhat DISAGREE
The DART advocate treated the victim with respect. Does Not Apply
The DART advocate treated the victim with respect. Somewhat AGREE
The DART advocate treated the victim with respect. Strongly AGREE
The victim was supported by the DART advocate.
The victim was supported by the DART advocate. Strongly DISAGREE
The victim was supported by the DART advocate. Somewhat DISAGREE
The victim was supported by the DART advocate. Does Not Apply
The victim was supported by the DART advocate. Somewhat AGREE
The victim was supported by the DART advocate. Strongly AGREE
The DART advocate was knowledgeable about victim services.
The DART advocate was knowledgeable about victim services. Strongly DISAGREE
The DART advocate was knowledgeable about victim services. Somewhat DISAGREE
The DART advocate was knowledgeable about victim services. Does Not Apply
The DART advocate was knowledgeable about victim services. Somewhat AGREE
The DART advocate was knowledgeable about victim services. Strongly AGREE
The DART advocate assisted the victim with resource referral.
The DART advocate assisted the victim with resource referral. Strongly DISAGREE
The DART advocate assisted the victim with resource referral. Somewhat DISAGREE
The DART advocate assisted the victim with resource referral. Does Not Apply
The DART advocate assisted the victim with resource referral. Somewhat AGREE
The DART advocate assisted the victim with resource referral. Strongly AGREE
Overall, I found the DART program to be beneficial.
Overall, I found the DART program to be beneficial. Strongly DISAGREE
Overall, I found the DART program to be beneficial. Somewhat DISAGREE
Overall, I found the DART program to be beneficial. Does Not Apply
Overall, I found the DART program to be beneficial. Somewhat AGREE
Overall, I found the DART program to be beneficial. Strongly AGREE
I would encourage others to use the DART program.
I would encourage others to use the DART program. Strongly DISAGREE
I would encourage others to use the DART program. Somewhat DISAGREE
I would encourage others to use the DART program. Does Not Apply
I would encourage others to use the DART program. Somewhat AGREE
I would encourage others to use the DART program. Strongly AGREE