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DARM, Aug 17-18, Charleston, Presentation Proposals: w/new Distribution & Marketing Track

Thank you for submitting your session proposal for the upcoming 3rd Annual Data and Revenue Management (DARM) Conference, Aug 17 - 18, 2021, at the Francis Marion Hotel in downtown Charleston, SC. We have 4 tracks for education: Data, Foundational Revenue Management, Advanced Revenue Management, and Distribution & Marketing. The sessions are 40 min long and should leave time for Q&A. Please submit your session proposal by filling out the fields here. We are looking forward to hosting this high-level event in person -- finally -- in August.

Question Title

* 1. Name and Contact Info

Question Title

* 2. I am interested in:

Question Title

* 3. In which educational track(s) are you interesting in presenting or serving on a panel?

Question Title

* 4. What is your proposed session title?
(Can skip if you are only volunteering to be on a panel.)

Question Title

* 5. Will this session format be a presentation or a panel?
(Can skip if you are only volunteering to be on a panel.)

Question Title

* 6. Session/presentation description
(Can skip if you are only volunteering to be on a panel.)

Question Title

* 7. Who are the proposed presenters and/or panelists (and company if different than your own)
(Can skip if you are only volunteering to be on a panel.)

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