The Peterborough Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) has partnered with the District Council of Peterborough, Peterborough Youth Action Committee, Peterborough High School and St Josephs Primary School to initiate a program called ‘DARE’ within schools in 2022. The DARE Program is a Drug and Alcohol Resilience Education Program and has been designed to address key areas of risk behaviour and reduce alcohol and drug related harm through targeted youth education and resilience building by providing education workshops that target key independence skills and knowledge.

The following survey asks you to provide feedback based on if you were a student participating in the workshop, or a school worker/teacher or parent from the program. If a school worker/teacher or parent please note questions are worded to suit student participation language and answers should reflect your experience or recommendations rather than participation.

Question Title

* 1. What type of participant were you in the DARE Program?

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* 2. Overall, how would you rate the DARE Project and the workshops topics provided?

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* 3. Please rate the quality of each of the workshops you attended

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Did not attend this workshop
'Intro to Wellbeing Fitness' with Nicole Lemke from NicFit Training
'Personal Growth: Dealing with Stress' with Anthony North from Still Earth
'How to look for Jobs and be Job Ready' with Lisa Brock from Uni Hub
'SMART Choices Finance workshop' with Stephen Barclay
'Resume Writing' with Alan Zubrinich from Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North
'Preparing for an income and being Tax savvy' with Jo Goodwin from Hood Sweeney
'Personal Growth for young adults' with Anthony North from Still Earth
'Learn Safe, Drive Safe L's Course' with Mike and Kevin from Accustom Driving School and Training Centre
'Keys 2 Drive' 1 hour driving lesson with Dave from Accustom Driving School and Training Centre

Question Title

* 4. Please select the answer that applies to your experience of the workshops for each of the statements below

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree
Overall, the workshops were a positive learning experience
I feel I have increased my knowledge and decision making skills after attending the workshops
The workshop presenters were knowledgeable and had good presentation skills
The workshops provided were relevant for me at this point in time
I would like to do more workshops relating to life skills and preparing for independence

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* 5. What (if anything) did you like about the DARE Life Skills Program?

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* 6. What (if anything) did you dislike about the DARE Life Skills Program?

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* 7. Do you feel that the information provided in the Life Skills workshops you attended have better prepared you for independence after school?

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* 8. Is there anything else you’d like the learn about regarding building life skills and independence that was not covered in the DARE Life Skills Program?

Thank you for taking part in the DARE Program and completing the feedback survey! Your responses help guide future programs and funding for youth in Peterborough