2023 Community Open Day

Thanks for coming along.  If you can spare 2-3 minutes, we'd love to see what you thought about the event.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the Vasse Community Open Day event

Question Title

* 2. What, if anything, did you like most about it?

Question Title

* 3. What, if anything, did you dislike?

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied were you with each of the following aspects of the event entertainment?

  1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Extremely Satisfied
Entertainment for adults
Live music
Activities for kids under 12
Activities for teenagers

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied were you with each of the following aspects of the event?

  1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Extremely Satisfied
The length of the event
Variety of food options
Variety of drink options
Opportunity to meet and interact with others
The time & day of the event

Question Title

* 6. What could we do to improve this event next time?

Question Title

* 7. What else would you like to see at the 2024 Vasse Community Open Day