Question Title

* 1. Which Ruby Central events have you attended in the past?

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* 2. Was this your first RailsConf?

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* 3. How did you hear about the conference?

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* 4. If you are returning to attending in-person Ruby Central events after some time, what factors motivated that decision?

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* 5. What were the most important factors to you when making the decision to attend RailsConf Detroit?

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* 6. Were you sponsored by your company to attend the conference event or did you purchase independently? Did your company pay partial costs or all?

Question Title

* 7. If you received a free ticket or sponsored ticket, would you have attended if you had to pay for your ticket in full?

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* 8. If you were a conference speaker, would you have attended as a non-speaker (regular attendee)?

Question Title

* 9. How many talks did you attend?

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* 10. Did you have any favorite Talks during the conference? List a few standouts here.

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* 11. Recorded talks are available for viewing after the conferences on our YouTube channel. How many talk videos do you typically watch after the conference?

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* 12. What speakers or session topics would you like to see in future?

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* 13. Did you participate in Hack Day? If so, what did you find valuable or areas to improve?

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* 14. What did you enjoy most about the Exhibit Hall?

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* 15. What was your goal in attending the conference, and do you feel like you achieved it?

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* 16. I believe this conference provides educational content to help me grow in my career.

Question Title

* 17. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend RailsConf to a friend or colleague?

1 - Very unlikely 5 10 - Very likely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 18. How can we improve the conference logistics (i.e. check-in process, daily announcements, career offerings, etc)?

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* 19. How can we improve the conference programming?

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* 20. What else can you share with us about your experience at RailsConf 2024 Detroit?

Question Title

* 21. Please share a brief testimonial of your conference experience. Your testimonial may be used in marketing and promotional materials. Your identity will be anonymous, however, please include your professional title.

Thank you for participating in our post-conference survey. This helps us build a better experience for our guests.

If you are interested in participating in the planning of future conferences -or- if your company is interested in sponsoring our conferences or open source work, please email us at !

~ The Ruby Central Team