ML Bias Survey for Data Scientists Question Title * 1. For how many years has building machine learning algorithms been a core part of your employment? 0-1 Years 2-3 Years 3+ Years I have never built algorithms as part of my employment. Question Title * 2. How confident are you in your ability to quantify the effectiveness of a machine learning model (3 - super duper confident, 1 - not confident at all)? This should include your intuition for how a change in the application of the algorithm changes the appropriate measure, and which metric or set of metrics you use to communicate the effectiveness of the model. 3 2 1 Question Title * 3. How confident are you in your ability to quantify the fairness of your ML model (3 = super duper confident, 1 = not confident at all)? This should include your intuition for how a change in the application of the algorithm changes the appropriate measure, and which metric or set of metrics you use to communicate the fairness of the model. 3 2 1 Question Title * 4. Do you conduct internal reviews where you assess the effectiveness of your ML algorithms? Yes No Question Title * 5. Do you conduct internal review where you assess the fairness of your ML algorithms? Yes No Done