1. Business Health

We would greatly appreciate your time to complete the following survey of your experience as a business owner during this time and provide feedback on your business status. Information we collect from this survey will be used to help us craft aid and additional services as we continue to move through this period.
We seek to understand how businesses are dealing  with the pandemic disruption and what the community can offer to help overcome the challenges your business is facing. We want to hear directly from our business owners about their challenges, pivots and plans to move through this period.
Total questions: 19 (expect 6 minutes to complete)

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary industry classification? (NAICS)

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* 2. How many employees are currently employed at your company?

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* 3. Is your business still in operation or plans to remain in operation?

Question Title

* 4. How confident are you that your business will be able to do the following?

  Not at all confident Somewhat confident Very confident
Meet customers’ safety expectations
Provide a safe working environment
Provide clear response and shutdown protocols if cases in our area rose again significantly or there was a second wave of infections
Retain critical talent
Manage employee well-being and morale
Balance needs of all stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers, communities and investors)
Build skills for the future
Identify new revenue opportunities
Survive through this pandemic period
Pivot or add new offerings to help your business’s viability
Start or increase financial options for your business (i.e. business savings, cash flow analysis, etc)

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* 5. If current trends continue, how much longer do you expect your business could avoid permanent closure?

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* 6. What are your top-three concerns with respect to returning to the workplace and/or operating in a changed business environment? (select top three)

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* 7. What measures has your business taken to continue business operations while returning to on-site work? Please select all that apply.

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* 8. Did you apply for any funding programs because of COVID? If so, did you receive funding?

  Did not apply Applied, did not receive funding Applied and received funding
Pinellas County CARES
Fighting Chance Fund
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
SBA Small Business Debt Relief
Florida Small Business Emergency Loan Program
ONE Community Microloan
Pinellas Art Relief
FL DEO Short time compensation program

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* 9. If you received funding, how did you utilize the grant funds that the business received? Select all that apply.

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* 10. What impact do you expect on your company’s revenue and/or profits this year as a result of COVID-19?

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* 11. In a few words, what has been your greatest frustration?