What do you want to see from your local council?

AFSA wants to hear from growers and food enterprises of all shapes and sizes about what councils can do to better support good food systems.

We want to see councils that support your right to grow and eat the food you want, the way you want it grown - we'd like to hear from you what an ideal council looks like!

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* 1. What local council area are you in?  (Optional)

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* 2. Are you a....? You can select as many as you like or tell us what you do in the 'Other' box.

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* 3. Positive council behaviours: What are the ways your local council supports small-scale or urban agriculture (or access to it), in general, in your council area?

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* 4. Positive council behaviours: What has your local council done that has helped or supported your endeavours?

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* 5. Barriers from council: What has your local council done that hinders your endeavours?

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* 6. Ideal councils: In your opinion, what would an ideal council do to support small-scale/ecologically-sound agriculture or access to it? 

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* 7. Other council support: Is there anything else that your local council does to support good food systems in your area?

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* 8. Does your council have glyphosate alternative measures in place? If so, what?

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* 9. If you would be happy to be contacted about your survey responses if AFSA has further discussions on this topic in future, please enter your email address here.

Your contact details will not be shared with anyone else. Your responses will not be able to be identified or connected to your contact details in any sharing of survey results.