Review of timeline for exit payments in
In November 2019, the Queensland Government commenced the independent review of the timeframes for retirement village payment of resident exit entitlements and freehold unit mandatory purchase.
An independent panel has been appointed to determine the impact of the 18-month timeframe for payment of exit entitlements on residents, former residents, families of residents or former residents and scheme operators. Payments to former residents for units held under lease or licence commenced on 10 May 2019 and on 23 May 2019 for units held by former residents under freehold tenure. The panel will undertake the review by 30 November 2020.
This panel have created the following survey to gather some basic data from relevant stakeholders. It would be great if you could take 20 minutes to answer the questions in this survey. All references to “resident” also include current and former residents, and the resident’s representative and family.
The survey will close on 31 August 2020.
An independent panel has been appointed to determine the impact of the 18-month timeframe for payment of exit entitlements on residents, former residents, families of residents or former residents and scheme operators. Payments to former residents for units held under lease or licence commenced on 10 May 2019 and on 23 May 2019 for units held by former residents under freehold tenure. The panel will undertake the review by 30 November 2020.
This panel have created the following survey to gather some basic data from relevant stakeholders. It would be great if you could take 20 minutes to answer the questions in this survey. All references to “resident” also include current and former residents, and the resident’s representative and family.
The survey will close on 31 August 2020.
If you have any further questions, the review panel may be contacted by
Email: exitentitlements@findex.com.au
Mail: Retirement Village Feedback
c/- Findex (D Griggs)
GPO Box 736 Brisbane Qld 4001
Telephone: (07) 3233 3520
Email: exitentitlements@findex.com.au
Mail: Retirement Village Feedback
c/- Findex (D Griggs)
GPO Box 736 Brisbane Qld 4001
Telephone: (07) 3233 3520